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Radio Advertisement

Radio City


Radio Mirchi


Big FM


Fever FM


Radio Mango




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Radio Advertisements

Radio is trustworthy, listeners develop a bond with these radio personalities, they are with them in the mornings on their commute to work, and in the evenings on their way home from a long day. They become that trusty companion and taking advantage of this through advertising can bring great results for a brand. As a business owner, you might be planning your new marketing strategy and looking for ways in which to increase your brand awareness and sales. Traditional methods of advertising have started to be overlooked due to common misconceptions. Fortunately, we are able to advise on why you should look at radio advertising to achieve your advertising goals.Radio advertising makes your business memorable:Due to the frequency of a radio ad playing a number of times throughout the day, week, or month, the ad becomes memorable to the listener, and results in your business being top of mind.Radio ads give your business a personality:Radio ads use one sense; the sense of hearing, which means the listeners have to use their imagination to create a picture of what they are hearing. The better your script is, the easier it becomes for the listener to see the story in their minds and see your brand’s personality in that story.Results in action:Radio advertising continues to prove an excellent medium for reaching audiences through its high penetration levels and repetition, and because radio ads have a high call to action they generate excellent consumer recall.
